| Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) is a national organization whose mission is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens. The first Club was founded in 1860 and the national organization was formed in 1906. BGCA provides key resources to enhance Clubs’ ability to serve youth. Together, BGCA and local Clubs form the Boys & Girls Club Movement. |  | The Westminster School District is committed to high academic achievement, health, safety and well-being for all Westminster School District students and to empower students to become lifelong learners and fulfilled, productive citizens in a changing world. To meet this commitment, Boys & Girls Clubs of Westminster proudly collaborates with Westminster School District at six additional school sites providing Academic Success enrichment programs. |  | The Westminster Police Department is dedicated to the protection of life, property and the rights of all people. Through individual accountability, excellent teamwork and commitment to quality service, the men and women of the Westminster Police Department work with our diverse community to make the City of Westminster a safer place. Through the partnership, Family & Youth Outreach Program and the Truancy Reduction Center have become national models of deference programs. |  | Angels Baseball, the Boys & Girls Clubs in Orange County and Major League Baseball partnered together to create the Angels Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities (RBI) League. This youth program provides an opportunity for 12 to 18-year-olds to play the game of baseball and softball while learning important character and life skills. Each season the Angels RBI League provides a structured league format which includes a 10 game regular season; an on field instructional clinic at Angel Stadium with professional coaches, players and trainers; an end of season playoff tournament; an all-star team opportunity; and an end of season banquet hosted at Angel Stadium. |  | The Children & Families Commission of Orange County provides leadership, funding and support for programs that achieve the vision that all children are healthy and ready to succeed when they enter school. The Children and Families Commission of Orange County continues to allocate millions of dollars to fund an ever-expanding range of programs including L.E.A.N. Start, Readiness on the Road, and ARCHES Program to ensure every child in Orange County grows up great." |  | Orange County United Way focuses on bottom line results - changing lives and strengthening communities. By providing strong leadership, accountability and measurable results, they are able to positively change the quality of people’s lives, while striving to keep overhead at, or below, 20%. Currently United Way supports our PowerHour Academic and Homework assistance program and our counseling programs for children and families. |  | The City of Westminster is home to Little Saigon, Westminster Mall, the Rose Center Theater and many cultural retail centers. "The City of Progress - Built on Pride" accurately reflects this culturally diverse community of over 94,000. |  | The Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) is a public education organization based on fundamental human values of honesty, commitment, responsibility, respect, integrity, and professional ethics. Our priority is service to students, districts and the community who look to us for support and educational leadership. We believe that the public deserves our complete candor and objectivity in our delivery of all services. |  | For more than 30 years, the programs of Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Southern California (RMHCSC) have been committed to providing comfort, care and support to children and families in Southern California through a variety of wellness and educational programs. Across the Southland, RMHCSC is working to create a community where children and families embrace life and healing with a sense of hope, enthusiasm, courage and joy. |